Pentecost Novena 2016 | Day 4

The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire in order to fill the Apostles with truth, to prepare them to bear witness to Christ, and to fill their hearts with love. He is the Person of love in the life of God. He is an aspiration of infinite love, from which we draw the breath of life.

The love of the Father for the Son is total. God the Father empties himself completely, holding nothing back from the Son. The love of the Son for the Father is total. God the Son empties himself completely, holding nothing back from the Father. The love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father is God the Holy Spirit. The love that is the exchange of Persons between Father and Son is the life that is the Spirit, with no beginning and no end.

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to remain with the Church forever. This is the promise of Jesus himself. He dwells in the Church permanently without ceasing his action of life-giving and sanctification. He preserves the Church's infallibly in the truth. He makes the Church blossom with a marvelous supernatural fruitfulness in the lives of Virgins, Martyrs, Confessors, and those heroic virtues which are one of the marks of true sanctity.

Novena to the Holy Spirit, Day 4

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For the Gift of Patience

Let us bow down in humility at the power and grandeur of the Holy Spirit. Let us worship the Holy Trinity and give glory today to the Paraclete, our Advocate.

Oh Holy Spirit, by Your power, Christ was raised from the dead to save us all. By Your grace, miracles are performed in Jesus’ name. By Your love, we are protected from evil. And so, we ask with humility and a beggar’s heart for Your gift of Patience within us.

Oh Holy Spirit, you give lavishly to those who ask. Please give us the patience of the Saints who are now with you in heaven. Help us to endure everything with an eternal patience that is only possible with your help.


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord,


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