Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Begins May 25th

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was originated and made popular by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. She was inspired by visions of Jesus who instructed her to spread this devotion to the world. It has been a favorite devotion of many saints ever since, including Saint Padre Pio who prayed it every day.

The Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is all about uniting our hearts with Christ's and devoting ourselves to Him. By conforming ourselves to Christ's will we can live more perfectly in the imitation of our Lord.

When we say this novena together, we pray to transform ourselves to love as Jesus Christ does. In the words of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque wrote, "Since love makes lovers one in likeness, if we love, let us model our lives on His." The goal in praying this novena is to unite ourselves with Christ in all that we do — referring everything to His glory, and accepting all sufferings and difficulties as something to bring us even closer to the love He shares with us — with a real and physical heart, symbolizing his eternal and infinite charity.

Saint John Paul II named the feast of the Sacred Heart the "World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests". While praying the novena to the Sacred Heart, please include priests in your prayers.

Click for information on this novena as well as daily email reminders.
