Pentecost Novena 2016 | Day 1

The Pentecost novena is the original novena. After Christ's ascension into heaven, the disciples prayed for nine days for the Spirit to descend. On the tenth day, Pentecost Sunday, they received the Holy Spirit as promised by our Lord.

According to Father Michael Woolley, this period of prayer is a "little advent":
The Disciples of Jesus waited those 9 days for the Holy Spirit with the blazing light of the Gospel to see by – while they waited in the Upper Room they reflected and prayed on the teachings and mighty deeds of Jesus, on His Passion and Death, on His Resurrection and Ascension, all of which enlightened their hearts and flooded the Old Testament Scriptures with light, revealing the hidden meaning of the Old Testament. (This is why during this "little advent" we’re now in, we don’t wear dark Purple but bright White Vestments.) 
The Holy Spirit is a powerful advocate. Like the disciples, let us pray to the Holy Spirit for the intentions that reside in the silence of our hearts. Trusting in God is essential in the spiritual life.  In praying this novena, let us trust fully in God's will for our lives.

Click here to post your prayer intentions and to pray for those of others.

Novena to the Holy Spirit, Day 1

For the Gift of Charity

Let us bow down in humility at the power and grandeur of the Holy Spirit. Let us worship the Holy Trinity and give glory today to the Paraclete, our Advocate.

Oh Holy Spirit, by Your power, Christ was raised from the dead to save us all. By Your grace, miracles are performed in Jesus’ name. By Your love, we are protected from evil. And so, we ask with humility and a beggar’s heart for Your gift of Charity within us.

The great charity of all the the host of Saints is only made possible by your power, Oh Divine Spirit. Increase in me, the virtue of charity that I may love as God loves with the selflessness of the Saints.


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord.


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