Pope Benedict XVI on the Holy Family

The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Reflecting on the Feast of the Holy Family Pope Benedict XVI observed:

"When he was 12 years old, [Christ] stayed behind in the Temple and it took his parents all of three days to find him. With this act he made them understand that he 'had to see to his Father's affairs.' …This Gospel episode reveals the most authentic and profound vocation of the family: that is, to accompany each of its members on the path of the discovery of God and of the plan that he has prepared for him or her. Mary and Joseph taught Jesus primarily by their example: in his parents he came to know the full beauty of faith, of love for God and for his Law, as well as the demands of justice, which is totally fulfilled in love. From them he learned that it is necessary first of all to do God's will..."

— Pope Benedict XVI

Prayer to the Holy Family

Lord Jesus Christ, who, was made subject to Mary and Joseph, did so consecrate domestic life by Your ineffable virtues, grant that we, with the assistance of both Your Blessed Mother and St. Joseph, may be taught by the example of Your holy Family and may attain to its everlasting fellowship. In Your name we pray. Amen.
