Humanae Vitae to be 'Reinterpreted'?
The Lepanto Foundation, an international foundation based in Rome that aims to defend the principles and institutions of Christian civilization, is reporting that Pope Francis has authorized a commission to 'reinterpret' Humanae Vitae 'in the light of Amoris laetitia.' Should it lead to the sanctioning of artificial contraception by the Church it would constitute heresy – a fact the report itself acknowledges:
"On the subject of contraception, Paul VI expressed himself in Humanae Vitae, in a manner which theologians judge as infallible and thus unmodifiable, not because the document in itself had the requisites of infallibility, but because it reaffirms a doctrine always proposed by the perennial Magisterium of the Church. The Jesuit theologians, Marcelino Zalba, John Ford and Gerald Kelly, the philosophers Arnaldo Xavier da Silveira and Germain Grisez, and many other authors explain how the doctrine of Humanae Vitae needs to be considered infallible, not in virtue of the act of its promulgation, but because it confirms the ordinary, universal Magisterium of Popes and the Bishops of the world." [Source]
Padre Pio Congratulated Paul VI on Humanae Vitae
From St. Padre Pio’s Letter to Bl. Pope Paul VI Commending Humanae Vitae.