Easter Homily | Note to Readers

As we begin Holy Week, the most solemn time in the Church’s liturgical calendar, we reverently meditate upon our Lord’s Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection. In deference to the observances of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, Father Irvins’ and Father Butler’s Easter homilies will be published at noon on Holy Saturday.

Prayer for Holy Week

Almighty Father, as we celebrate Holy Week, give us the grace to always remain steadfast in our faith, drawing ever closer to you by means of our prayers and sacrifices. As an example of humility for the human race to follow you willed that our Savior take flesh and submit to the Cross, graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering and so merit a share in his Resurrection. Who lives and reigns with you, and with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
