'Planned Parenthood Kills Over 266 Unarmed Black Lives' Each Day

Ryan Bomberger, creative director of the Radiance Foundation, a pro-life advocacy group, has written a powerful commentary on society's selective outrage regarding the killing of persons both born and unborn. Mr. Bomberger was conceived in rape, given up for adoption by his birth mother and adopted by a family of fifteen. His personal testimony and work in defense of human dignity are inspiring. Breitbart reports:  
A black pro-life leader says the mainstream media that props up the pro-abortion Black Lives Matter movement won’t report that Planned Parenthood kills many more black lives in one day than police are accused of killing in an entire year.
Bomberger is doubtless considered an "Uncle Tom" by those he criticizes. The selective outrage he illustrates is exemplified in his question: "Who can recall one single white person killed by police officers?" He continues:

"Whites are killed by cops, according to a database created by the Washington Post twice as much as blacks. Out of a total of 990 killed, 494 (or 49.9%) were white and 258 (or 26%) were black. 782 of those killed, or 79%, were armed with a deadly weapon. But hey, let’s only report when unarmed black individuals are victims of police brutality. This is a deliberate and despicable attempt by mainstream media to color the issue."

Bomberger notes that over 266 "unarmed" black lives are aborted by Planned Parenthood each day – 30 percent of the nation’s abortions.
