Novena to Saint Maria Goretti | 2016 | Day 5

St. Maria Goretti

July 1, 2016

It's said that St. Maria's greatest virtue was her forgiveness of her attacker, even in the midst of terrible physical suffering. That's why she is called the, "little saint of great mercy." St. Maria modeled Christ's mercy. We ask her today to help us to do the same.

Day 5 - The St. Maria Goretti Novena

O St. Maria Goretti, beautiful model of mercy, pray for me. God’s mercy is the only hope for mankind. I know we are called to imitate our Father’s mercy to those around us, but it is hard, and I often fail. But you, even at the age of 11, were strong and courageous enough to offer mercy to your attacker, the one who hurt you the very most. Please pray that I will be able to do the same to those who hurt me. Please pray that I will not consider their unworthiness, but that I may consider our Lord, as you did.

Please pray also for (mention your intentions here).


O God, author of innocence and chastity, who bestowed the grace of martyrdom on your handmaid, the Virgin Saint Maria Goretti, in her youth, grant, we pray, through her intercession, that, as you gave her a crown for her steadfastness, so we, too, may be firm in obeying your commandments. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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