Pope Benedict XVI on the Queenship of Mary

Mary, the Mother of God
Devotion to Our Lady is an important part of spiritual life. In our prayer, we should not fail to turn to her, confident that Mary will intercede for us with her Son. Looking upon her, let us imitate her faith, her complete openness to the loving plan of God, her generous welcoming of Jesus. We learn to live from Mary. [Mary is continually] watching over us, her children, the children who come to her in prayer, to thank her or to ask for her maternal protection and heavenly help, perhaps after having lost their way, burdened with grief or anguish amid the sad and troubled vicissitudes of life.
— Pope Benedict XVI, address to pilgrims, August 22, 2012

Prayer For Our Lady's Intercession

Almighty ever-living God, who made the Mother of your Son to be our Mother and our Queen, graciously grant that, sustained by her most loving intercession, we may attain in the heavenly Kingdom the glory you promised to your children. This we humbly pray through our Lord Jesus Christ, your only Son, who lives and reigns with you in union with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
