Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

The Virgin Mary, Mother of God

As our true mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary has lovingly gone on to prepare the way for her children. She intercedes for us in asking God never to leave us in our suffering. As we prepare to celebrate the 100th anniversary of her appearance at Fatima, we recall how she urged humanity to reject sin and to pray unceasingly. Our Lady extolled the power of the daily Rosary for conversion and repentance. May she lead us to love Christ. Here is Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer in her honor:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, 
you have given the world its true light, 
Jesus, your Son — the Son of God. 
You abandoned yourself completely
to God’s call 
and thus became a wellspring 
of the goodness which flows forth from him. 
Show us Jesus. Lead us to him, 
teach us to know and love him 
so that we too can become 
capable of true love 
and be the fountains of living water 
in the midst of a thirsting world. 

(Deus Caritas Est, No. 42, December 25, 2005).


Our blessed Virgin mother Mary please intercede for your daughter.