Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit 2017 | Day 7

June 1, 2017 The Pentecost novena is the original novena prayer. After Christ's Ascension, the disciples prayed for nine consecutive days for the Spirit to descend. On the tenth day, Pentecost Sunday, they received the Advocate promised by our Lord. According to Father Michael Woolley, this period of prayer is a "little Advent": The Disciples of Jesus waited those 9 days for the Holy Spirit with the blazing light of the Gospel to see by – while they waited in the Upper Room they reflected and prayed on the teachings and mighty deeds of Jesus, on His Passion and Death, on His Resurrection and Ascension, all of which enlightened their hearts and flooded the Old Testament Scriptures with light, revealing the hidden meaning of the Old Testament. (This is why during this "little Advent" we’re now in, we don’t wear dark Purple but bright White Vestments.) Dearest Holy Spirit, confiding in Your deep, personal love for me, I am making this novena for the follow...