Prayer For an Increase in Faith For Ourselves and For the Universal Church

Christ with Thomas in the upper room

Increase Our Faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us to avoid that which is not of you or your life. Help us to avoid the traps of this world, such as greed, avarice, lust, and reckless ambition. Keep us, Lord, from being judgmental and gossips. In humility, Lord, we ask..... Increase our faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us to embrace your heavenly Father who created us, who has redeemed us, and who continually sustains us. Inspire us to know in the depths of our hearts that his life and his will are what will make us happy and give us meaning and purpose in life. In humility, Lord, we ask..... Increase our faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us to accept your teachings, Lord Jesus Christ. You taught us to love one another and to find you in all people and in all situations. Take our hands, Lord, and walk us to the cross of your Son, Jesus, and to the empty tomb, in which we will find hope. In humility, Lord, we ask.... Increase our faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us to live our Catholic faith with determination and devotion. Remind us of the importance of the Eucharist in our lives, your presence in this bread and wine, coursing through our minds, hearts, hands and souls. Help us feel your Eucharistic presence in our decisions, thoughts, and actions. In humility, Lord, we ask... Increase our faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us to be gentle, loving, forgiving, patient, and compassionate among your sons and daughters. Keep us mindful Lord that you love all of us equally, even those people we might dislike or not get along with. We especially pray for those people in our lives with whom we have a difficult history. In humility, Lord, we ask... Increase our faith!

Stir into flame our faith, O Lord! Inspire us as a parish and as your body, the Church, collectively to witness to your love and life for ourselves and for the world. Help our parish to be a beacon of light and hope, a community in whom others feel love, acceptance, kindness, and generosity. In humility, Lord, we ask... Increase our faith!

Please, Lord, stir our faith into a flame of love for you and others. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer by Msgr. Bernard W. Bourgeois — October 2, 2016.
