Visit the New Pro-Life Page

All articles covering abortion, natural marriage, end-of-life concerns and the dignity of persons appearing on this site are here on the new Pro-Life page for your consideration. We write about the Church's vision of man, made in the image and likeness of God, as a way of promoting the Gospel of Life. In a time of escalating hostility towards the Church and her teachings, [as Pope Paul VI  observed] "... it comes as no surprise to the Church that she, no less than her divine Founder, is destined to be a 'sign of contradiction.'" From the page:
As a gift from God, every human life is sacred from conception to natural death. To be pro-life is to honor the dignity of persons. It is to foster an appreciation of the inalienable rights of the unborn, the sick, the suffering, the terminally ill and the aged. Every person is a "someone" to be loved; not discarded or used. The articles below address the issue of life and affronts to human dignity.
I invite you to visit the Pro-life page and let others know about it. We will update it periodically upon the publication of new articles and the adding of older ones. As always, we value your readership and feedback.
