A Minute With a Monk

A Minute With a Monk

Not all Catholic Youtube channels are created equal, however, A Minute With a Monk is worth a look. From the about page of their website:
One year ago (well, a bit more) a new little island appeared in the huge YouTube ocean : some monks from Austria started making little videos to spread these good news: You are loved by Someone Greater than the world, and your heart is good.
With hardly no means at all, and no experience of media work, they began with baby steps! A lot of friends, who say the sample videos, gave their advices and encouraged this!
Even our Prior General and our superiors told us: Do it, don’t hesitate! But the one who, even earlier, had inspired us the most was our Pope Francis, who unceasingly calls to "find new ways to carry the Word of God to the world". Sometimes he says: “Wake up the world!“, or even: "Shake things up" or "make a mess!" (haha, this I think we can do!). How can we just stay indifferent to this? Of course there are a lot of ways to answer this calling, but this is maybe one of them.
They have tens of videos dealing with the consecrated life, apologetics, the lives of saints and more. Their target audience is young people and their presentation style is (very) informal. Below is the first in their four part series on "How to Deal with Suffering".
