Margaret Sanger - Disciple of Death

Margaret Higgins Sanger (September 14, 1879 – September 6, 1966) was an American birth control activist and the founder of the American Birth Control League. In 1942 the name of the American Birth Control League was changed to Planned Parenthood. Sanger remains a controversial figure. While she is widely viewed as a leader of the modern birth control movement, and remains a prominent figure for the American “reproductive rights movements,” pro-life groups condemn Sanger's views, attributing her efforts to promote birth control to a desire to "purify" the human race through eugenics, and even to eliminate minority races by placing birth control clinics in minority neighborhoods.

Sanger called African Americans “human weeds” and “reckless breeders.” At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL).

Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as "scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South."

Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.

While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

Margaret Sanger paved the way for the abortion industry here in the United States. For a brief but excellent video outlining Planned Parenthood’s continuing racist agenda go here. For more information on Sanger’s racist beliefs and eugenics advocacy go here.


Anonymous said…
I recommend a stunning documentary called - Maafa21. This film will detail Margaret Sanger, evolution, racism , and all that connects abortion to today's black genocide movement. It is a MUST see - view the trailer here