Review: Believing in Jesus - A Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith

Now in its sixth edition, the best-selling Believing in Jesus captures the Christian's continuing journey of faith, ever new, ever alive-yet always founded on God's steadfast love for us. In a lively style Leonard Foley covers the complete spectrum of the Catholic faith, leading the reader from early Old Testament times through a world starting over in Jesus, and looking ahead to the time when Jesus will come again and we will share fully in his life.

The book has been updated to include the lastest Church documents and is cross referrenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Foley has a scholarly style that lends itself to the subject at hand. With his insight and wisdom scripture comes alive. He intigrates Church teaching with the Church's lived experience as a living institution throughout history. The Church is truly where the human and the Divine meet. Foley does a masterful job in showing how, despite its human failings and shortcomings, the Church is sustained and supported by Christ.

I found this book to be a tremendous spiritual resource. Foley's scholarly style can be a bit overwhelming at times. This in no way detracts from its usefulness. I recommend it to cradle Catholics and converts alike.

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