Ella - The New Abortion Drug

Have you heard about the new abortion pill, "ella"? If you haven't, you will soon.

While being billed as merely a contraceptive, "ella" actually goes a lot further than preventing contraception from occuring as it can actually terminate the life of an existing human embryo, an abortion!

Women can take the drug up to 5 days after intercourse, well after a new human life has been created. Because "ella" blocks the progesterone receptors needed for the continued development of the human embryo, the pill causes an abortion if taken after conception occurs.

This makes "ella" an abortion not a contraceptive drug, plain and simple. Two weeks ago, the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs approved "ella" for sale within the United States, calling it a contraceptive. The drug now goes before the FDA for final approval in a few short weeks.

In order to help spread the word about "ella", the new abortion drug, SFLA has launched a new website, www.ellacausesabortions.com, in an effort to let President Obama know that pro-life Americans won't be fooled by the FDA and their mislabeling of drugs.

Go to http://www.ellacausesabortions.com/ right now and sign our petition!

H/T Students For Life
