Reminder: Indulgences Are Available During the Poor Souls Octave (November 1st through 8th)

One may obtain a plenary indulgence for a soul in purgatory by devoutly visiting a cemetery and praying for the departed (even if the prayer is only mental) each day between November 1st - 8th.

Requirements for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence During the Poor Souls Octave:

◗ Visit a cemetery and pray for a soul in Purgatory.

◗ Say one "Our Father" and the "Apostles Creed".

◗ Say one "Our Father" and one "Hail Mary" for the Holy Father’s intentions.

◗ Worthily receive Holy Communion (ideally on the same day).

◗ Make a sacramental confession within 20 days of All Souls Day.

◗ For a plenary indulgence, be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin (or the indulgence is partial, not plenary).

You may gain one plenary indulgence a day.

A partial indulgence can be obtained when the Eternal Rest (Requiem aeternam) is prayed. This can be prayed all year, but especially during the month of November:

Requiem aeternam dona ei (eis), Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei (eis). Requiescat (-ant) in pace Amen.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

From the Enchiridion of Indulgences.

Some families add the second half of the "Eternal Rest" prayer to the "Prayer Before Meals":

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, Which we are about to receive, from Thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord, Amen. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

We ought to pray for the faithful departed throughout the year, not just during November. After these souls in Purgatory are in Heaven, they will intercede on our behalf.
