March's Blog of Note: The Veil of Chastity

The Veil of Chastity

March's blog of note is The Veil of Chastity. The site is written for single Catholic young women, but the information provided, focusing expressly on living chastely in both the single and married vocations — is applicable to all. Although currently inactive, the blog’s author, a Catholic Mom and full-time professional, faithful to the teaching of the Church and to the Magisterium, is finalizing a book discussing the wisdom behind the virtue of chastity. The work of Saint John Paul II, Pope Paul VI, Dietrich and Alice von Hildebrand, and Saint Thomas Aquinas are thoughtfully considered vis–Ă –vis Humanae Vitae and the Theology of the Body.

The blog's about page explains its mission: "The United States alone has 27 million single Catholics. This site is dedicated to those singles and those around the world who are looking for wisdom and hope. This is a place to share and learn about the virtue of chastity, the truth behind the virtue and why it leads to our happiness and peace...." It asks: "Do you want to follow God’s plan for your life?"

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) #1658 states:

"We must also remember the great number of single persons who, because of the particular circumstances in which they have to live – often not of their choosing – are especially close to Jesus’ heart and therefore deserve the special affection and active solicitude (concern/care) of the Church, especially of pastors"

The Veil of Chastity offers the 'why' behind the Church's teaching on the virtue of chastity. In short, "there are rewards for treating the gift of our sexual powers with care and reverence. And... there are consequences to trifling with God’s design of our sexual powers." The Veil of Chastity is a treasury of great insight.

A Prayer for Chastity

Jesus Christ, Savior of mankind, bless me with Your infinite graces, that I may remain in a state of purity. Strengthen me in mind, body and spirit to continually reflect Your chastity. Protect my soul in its daily struggles, guide it to ponder Your Godliness. Defend me from the forces of evil, those that seek to acquire my soul: To You, I profess my deep love, O Lord, the Conqueror of sin and death. Amen.
