25 Inspiring Quotations From Saint John Bosco

In honor of Saint John Bosco's feast day, here are twenty-five quotations from the priest and gifted teacher who was a father to the fatherless. Without confidence and love, there can be no true education. If you want to be loved…you must love yourselves, and make your children feel that you love them. *** My life experience has been that only the practice of religion can assure concord in families and the happiness of those who live in this valley of tears. *** The school was not the end; it was rather the instrumental means for improving the way of life. *** Be brave and try to detach your heart from worldly things. Do your utmost to banish darkness from your mind and come to understand what true, selfless piety is. Through confession, endeavor to purify your heart of anything which may still taint it. Enliven your faith, which is essential to understand and achieve piety. *** If one is to do good, he must have a little courage, be ready for sac...