December's Blog of Note: Servant and Steward

Father Daren J. Zehnle is a priest of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois who serves as the Episcopal Master of Ceremonies and the Associate Director of the Office for Vocations. At the time of this posting, he is studying canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Servant and Steward is his personal web log where he has posted since 2005. His other online ventures are A Beggar for Love and Persecution Watch. From Servant and Steward's about page:
Here you will find my homilies, thoughts and many other things of interest to me; I hope they will also be of interest to you.
The title of this blog - Servant and Steward - comes from the first letter of Saint Paul Corinthians.  He writes to them, "Thus should one regard us: as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God" (4:1).
To speak of himself as a “servant of Christ” is somewhat obvious; it means that Paul’s life is no longer his own, but is now directed to the will of Jesus Christ. ...
I have long admired Father Zehnle's insights into the mind of God. We have published two of his funeral homilies [here and here] and he has graciously granted us permission to bring you additional Servant and Stewart content in the future. Father has written possibly the finest, concise reflection on what it means to be a Catholic Christian in the imitation of Christ that I have ever encountered: 
In the sacraments we stand in awe of the divine life we receive through them and belong to Christ. Through the sacraments we share in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ; through them we are bound to God.
Servant and Steward is well worth your time and frequent visitation.
