Homily for the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014, Year B
René J. Butler, M.S.
Director, La Salette Shrine
Enfield, NH
Director, La Salette Shrine
Enfield, NH
I have a
revelation to make.
What does
that statement make you expect? A personal confession? Some new scandal in the
Church? An interesting secret, or some news that will amaze or disappoint you?
One way or
another, the statement probably sparked your interest.
In today’s
reading from St. Paul, we find a similar idea: “You are not lacking in any
spiritual gift as you wait for the
revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The Christians of Corinth, who are
already believers, are waiting for another revelation.
As we begin a
new year in the life of the Church, we do so with a sense of anticipation. In
this respect Advent is quite different from Lent. Both use purple vestments,
both omit the Gloria at Mass, both
are meant to be a sober preparation for a great feast to follow. Still, have
you ever heard of making “Advent resolutions”?
For whatever
reason, Advent isn’t usually experienced as a time for taking stock, for
conversion. From that point of view, today’s first reading from Isaiah comes as
a surprise with its heavily penitential tone: “Behold, you are angry, and we
are sinful; all of us have become like unclean people... and our guilt carries
us away like the wind.”
In Advent we look
less inward than outward. Instead of recurring themes of mercy and forgiveness,
we sing “O come, O come, Emmanuel!” In the responsorial Psalm we read, “Rouse
your power and come to save us.” Even Isaiah cries out: “Oh, that you would
rend the heavens and come down!”
This is
definitely an upbeat season. It is time for God to act. We perceive ourselves
as needing only to be ready and waiting.
Now it is
just possible that this need to be ready and waiting may challenge us to make
some important changes in our life. There are, after all, so many distractions.
Christmas itself, since it involves shopping and decorations and parties,
becomes a distraction from Advent. These things are inevitable, so we do have
to make a serious effort to maintain the focus on the revelation that is to
There is an
almost seamless transition from the end of one liturgical year and the
beginning of the next. Just last Sunday we had the perspective of the final
coming of Christ as Judge. The week before that we had the parable of the master
returning and settling accounts with his servants. Today we are told to be like
servants expecting the master’s return.
There is a
difference, nonetheless. Over the last few weeks we have been anticipating the
final and definitive revelation in the Second Coming of Christ. As we say in
the Creed: “He will come again in glory... and his kingdom will have no end.”
This is the faith of the Church.
In Advent,
our horizon is not so vast. While waiting for the Ultimate Revelation, we also
live in expectation of what we might call intermediate revelations.
I am not
talking about any new public or private revelation as distinct from that
already received and transmitted by the Church. What I mean is that Advent is a
perfect time for us to be especially attentive, for example, to the readings at
Mass, so that we might experience that revelation in a new, personal way.
Ideally this
would become our way of life as Christians, not limited to these four weeks. As
Jesus says: “May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.”
teaches us to expect God to surprise us, to expect him to say, “I have a
revelation to make.” That should spark our interest!