Lenten Reflection by Father James Kubicki

Dear Disciple of Christ,

I hope you love Lent as much as I do. Between Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Lent puts us in touch with the truth about ourselves and God.

Lent reminds us that flesh and blood are still but dust and ashes. We must die. We are all sinners. We need to surrender to the mercy of God. We give him all our weaknesses, failures, and sins, asking not just forgiveness, but cleansing. We pray for our conversion to a life in which we trust and love God as Jesus did.

We show our repentance by self-denial. We break bad habits and replace them with good. We strip life down to its bare essentials. We fast. We give alms. We are honest with God, letting him know that we seek him first and desire to walk in his grace.

During Lent, our daily offering becomes more real for us than ever. With the love of Christ within us, we pray for others. We find new ways to serve those in need and to be at peace with those we find difficult. We are more keenly aware that we offer ourselves to God in union with Jesus who suffered and died on the Cross for you, for me, and for every other person. By his death, he washes away our sins and gives us new life forever.

Meanwhile, we are still living on earth, trying to accept all our responsibilities and resist all our temptations. It’s a struggle and a journey, but we know that we belong to God forever. We await the Resurrection.

Sincerely in the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Fr. James Kubicki, S.J.
