Prayer for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II

O Blessed Trinity,
we thank You for having graced the Church
with Pope John Paul II and for allowing
the tenderness of Your Fatherly care,
the glory of the cross of Christ,
and the splendor of the Holy Spirit,
to Shine through him.

Trusting fully in Your infinite mercy
and in the maternal intercession of Mary,
he has given us a living image of Jesus
the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that
holiness is the necessary measure of ordinary
Christian life and is the way of achieving
eternal communion with You.

Grant us, by his intercession,
and according to Your will,
the graces we implore...,
hoping that he will soon be
numbered among Your saints. Amen.


Anonymous said…
unemployed for 8 monnths, I prayed this prayer and got a job. Do not get lost in what others say abouth the process being so fast or doubting...focus on believing that through his intersection God will make miracles in your life
Anonymous said…
I pray that the second miracle sought by those urging the beatification of Pope John Paul II continue to take place at Philadelphia's Childrens' Hospital, in the battle of a 2-year old child against malignant neuroblastoma. In 5 months she passed from diagnosis to remission; we believe in miracles, we truly believe she IS John Paul's second Jesus' name, Amen.
Anonymous said…
I ask you this night John Paul 11 to go to Our Lord and ask that R bew cured and completely recreated this night. Pope John Paul, I saw you in person in Phila in 1979, you were a direct help to me reterning to the church, because of your caring and gentle way. I believe you are sitting at the right hand of our Lord, Please speak to Him about my plea, about St Therese and Rose Hawthorne, although He already knows what you're going to say. I believe R will have his miracle, I believe. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. I Love You All.
Anonymous said…
I prayed very earnestly for the recovery of a person who had the rat fever. He was unconcious for eight days and the doctors almost told that it is not possible for them to save the life of that person. we unceasingly prayed to Blessed Pope John Paul II, and listen to the prayers of us. The person recovered conscious after eight days and he was transfered from the intensive care unit to the normal ward. Now he has almost completely recovered. I thank God for Blessed Pope John Paul II.
Anonymous said…
My niece had lung cancer and with metastasis. She had undergone chemotherapy twice. Cancer was checked but according to her doctor there are still traces which persist.
She was told to have bone scan and it showed a lesion on the bone, but the doctor hasn't seen it yet for being our to the country. All of us have recoursed to prayers. For my part, I made a continuous novena to Pope John Paul II asking him to intercede for my niece: that the reading of the bone scan be not what everyone has been expecting and fearing: that it be not another cancer! I said that once my prayers be granted I will write this testimony of God's mercy since I really want him to be numbered among God saints. Yesterday she went to see the verdict of the doctor. IT WAS NOT WE WE HAVE BEEN FEARING OF! PRAISE THE LORD! She will just be given bone injection until it disappears...I thank deeply God for giving us Bl Pope John Paul II and I really hope he will soon be called a SAINT!