
Christmas Novena 2017 | Day 6

December 21, 2016 Today we meditate on peace and the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. We pray for greater peace in the world, and especially for an end to abortion – which is the greatest destroyer of peace. May our leaders respect and protect the life of the unborn who are made in God's image. We pray especially for those leaders in countries where there are concerted efforts to expand abortion. May God touch the hearts of these leaders to stop forevermore the awful scourge of abortion. The Christmas Novena - Day 6  – Peace O Lord, infant Jesus, give us Your peace! You are the Prince of Peace and the ultimate fulfillment of your incarnation brings us to you in heaven where peace will come to perfection. We pray for peace this Christmas. (There are two versions of the novena prayer) The Adoration of the Kings O most sweet infant Jesus, who was made known to the three kings, who worshiped you as you lie on Mary’s breast, and offered you the mystical presen

St. Peter Canisius, Patron of the Catholic Press

Optional Memorial - December 21st  Saint Peter Canisius was the 16th century Dutch Jesuit priest and Doctor of the Church whose brilliant theology renewed Catholicism. He was a major figure in both the Council of Trent and the Counter Reformation. His extensive catechetical treatises and powerful preaching in defense of orthodoxy won him great renown, and the Church innumerable souls. He wrote three definitive Catechisms in the span of four years explicating the Faith. These were tremendously influential, especially to those in Austria, Bavaria, and Bohemia where Catholicism was most under siege. Although claimed by both the Dutch and German Churches, Canisius is designated as the second Apostle of Germany (after Saint Boniface of Mainz). He was born at Nijmegen, Holland, in 1521 into a devout family. His father was an instructor to princes in the court of the duke of Lorraine. Peter was part of a movement for religious reform as a very young man and in 1543, after attending a

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 24, 2017, Year B

Fr. René J. Butler, M.S. Provincial Superior, La Salette Missionaries of North America Hartford, Connecticut ( Click here for today’s readings ) About 20 years ago I was asked to speak to a group of candidates in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, on the topic of “de-creation,” i.e., the fall of Adam and Eve and its negative impact of on creation and history. I began by showing them a very beautiful, truly artistic mug that had been given to me. It reflected the love of the artist, and of the one who gave it to me, just as the world created by God reflected his love. A little bit later, I “accidentally” knocked the mug off the podium and it shattered on the floor. As it began to fall, everyone in the group gasped. I concluded, “That is what creation did when Adam and Eve reached for the forbidden fruit. All creation gasped, crying out: ‘No! No! No!’” Almost 900 years ago, St. Bernard of Clairvaux delivered four homilies on today’s Gospel. Each one is easil

Christmas Novena 2017 | Day 5

December 20, 2016 The Blessed Virgin Mary accepted God's will in consenting to be the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we pray for all mothers who have chosen life for their children — especially those who have adopted their children. We pray for the couples who desire to be parents, but struggle with infertility and other crosses that prevent them from becoming parents. May they be blessed with children. The Christmas Novena - Day 5  – Love O Lord, infant Jesus, inspire in us Your selfless love! You humbled yourself to become like us in all things but sin, and even humbled yourself to die on a cross. We pray that you will help us to love as You love this Christmas. (There are two versions of the novena prayer) The Circumcision O most sweet infant Jesus, circumcised when eight days old, and called by the glorious name of Jesus, and proclaimed both by your name and by your blood, to be the Savior of the world. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us

Excellent Video on God and the Mystery of Suffering

Isn't human suffering proof that a just, all-powerful God must not exist? On the contrary, says Boston College Professor of Philosophy Dr. Peter Kreeft. How can "suffering" exist without an objective standard against which to judge it? Absent a standard, there is no justice. If there is no justice, there is no injustice. And if there is no injustice, there is no suffering. On the other hand, if a true, objective standard of justice exists, [which it does] God exists. In five minutes, learn more. From the transcript: "All good people are appalled by the sufferings of the innocent. When an innocent person is struck by a painful disease, or tortured or murdered, we naturally feel sadness, helplessness, and often rage. Many people have claimed that such suffering is a proof that God does not exist. Their argument goes like this: God is all good and all powerful. Such a God would not permit unnecessary suffering. Yet, we constantly observe unjust suffering. Th

Waiting for the Messiah, Then and Now

Father Michael J. Woolley (From a homily delivered in December 2005) Late in the afternoon that first Christmas eve, a man could be seen walking in front of a donkey, coming from the north on the road leading into the city. Passing by a field of shepherds with their sheep, this man, whose name was Joseph, led his donkey through the gates of the city of Bethlehem, to look for a place to stay the night. Riding atop the donkey was Joseph’s young wife, whom he had married a little less than a year ago, whose name was Miryam, a name meaning “the perfect and beautiful one”. Also riding on that donkey behind Joseph, in the virgin womb of His mother, was Joseph’s unborn Son by adoption, who He was to name Jesus. Jesus came riding into Bethlehem on a donkey, just as he was to go riding into Jerusalem on a donkey 33 years later. But what was Joseph, and his nine-month’s pregnant wife and child, and his donkey, doing there? Why did Joseph saddle up his donkey and journey 75 mile

Christmas Novena 2017 | Day 4

December 19, 2016 Today, we pray for an openness to life. Also, that we will be open to the Lord’s promptings each day, and to all of His blessings. We pray that society as a whole will be respectful of the gift of new life from God. May the culture of death which makes idols out of abortion, contraception and euthanasia embrace Godly love.  The Christmas Novena - Day 4  – Hope O Lord, infant Jesus, bring us the Hope that saves! Your birth to the Virgin Mary brought a Hope to the world that continues to sustain us. We pray for a saving Hope this Christmas. (There are two versions of the novena prayer) The Holy Nativity O most sweet infant Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes, laid in the manger, glorified by angels, and visited by shepherds. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord.  Have mercy on us. We pray also for these intentions… (State your intentions here) Hail Mary… Virgin Mary, where, con

St. Athanasius of Alexandria on the Incarnation

The most famous doctrinal volume of this 4th century Alexandrian Bishop is his treatise: De Incarnatione , On the Incarnation of the Word, the divine Logos. It was Athanasius who said the Word of God, "was made man so that we might be made God." Here Athanasius further elaborates on Jesus Christ’s salvific mission: The body of the Word, then, being a real human body, in spite of its having been uniquely formed from a virgin, was of itself mortal and, like other bodies, liable to death. But the indwelling of the Word loosed it from this natural liability, so that corruption could not touch it. Thus it happened that two opposite marvels took place at once: the death of all was consummated in the Lord's body; yet, because the Word was in it, death and corruption were in the same act utterly abolished. ― St. Athanasius of Alexandria _____________________________________________ Prayer for the Intercession of St. Athanasius Almighty ever-living God, who raise

Advent Reflection Week Four: "Our Savior Has Come"

O King of the Gentiles and Savior of the World "Come and save man, whom Thou hast made out of dust." What is man? He is but a particle of dust, an insignificant creature who has further separated himself from God through sin. He has been cut off from the fountain of truth and banished from God to darkness and misery. Still in the ruins there dwells a spirit that possesses a capacity for truth. In these ashes there is yet a spark that may be fanned to life to burn with the brilliance of divine life. But only God can revive this flame. For this reason, the Church cries out, "Come and save man, whom Thou hast made out of dust." Save him who is so weak, so miserable and helpless. Remember his nothingness. Consider the many enemies who lay snares to rob him of divine life and to entice him into sin. Think of his [finite] knowledge and his proneness to evil, of his tendency to error, and his weakness in the face of temptation. Guard him from the enticements of the

Christmas Novena 2017 | Day 3

December 18, 2016 Today we pray for all those who work to uphold the dignity of life. Many of them do this work with little or no thanks or recognition. They are selfless foot soldiers in the effort to advance the culture of life. Please pray for their strength, courage and for more people to support them. Every person is a "someone" to be loved. The Christmas Novena - Day 3  – Faith O Lord, infant Jesus, give us the gift of Faith! You, Lord, deserve our complete faith. We pray for deeper and more perfect faith in you this Christmas. (There are two versions of the novena prayer) The Expectation of Birth O most sweet infant Jesus, who waited for nine months enclosed in the womb, and inflamed the heart of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph with the most powerful love and expectation, all for the salvation of the world. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us, O Lord.  Have mercy on us. We pray also for these intentions… (State your intentions here)