
Genesis - "In the beginning"

The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It portrays the beginning of life on earth, indeed the start of everything that is. God, in a free act of love created the world. "In the beginning... " the world was far different from the one we know today. All of creation was in perfect harmony with the Lord. We don't often think of it this way, but before the first sin, the entire world was a temple in which mankind worshiped the one true God. Man fully possessed original goodness and original justice. Then Adam sinned and this was lost. For one thing, the world at large stopped being a temple. It became necessary to build a temple in which God could be worshiped. Furthermore, man had to sanctify or purify himself before entering this sacred space. This was not necessary before the Fall. More in our next Genesis post.

Will Pro-Life Democrats Stand Strong?

We are entering the final stretch to push through Obamacare. The legislation as written is the most pro-abortion bill in United States history. It grantees abortion funding at taxpayer's existence while at the same time expanding access. This in light of a recent poll that shows Americans aged 18-25 are more pro-life than middle aged and older Americans.

Five Key Virtues For A Happy Marriage:

I. Obedience – Obedience to God is the foundation of a happy life. This requires us to make sacrifices in big ways and little ways. Obedience requires faith and strength of character. Whatever our chosen vocation, obedience and the discipline that flows from it girds us daily to become more of the person God is calling you to be. People looking to marry should seek a spouse who is obedient both to God’s law and the laws of the state. II. Kindness – Kindness is in many ways the linchpin of any good relationship. Husband and wife should strive to be kind towards each other and the world at large. Every marriage is a light to the world – a shining example of love and human commitment. Kindness forces us to choose our words carefully. Kindness goes hand in hand with respecting others – including our spouses. III. Patience – The most obvious virtue to practice in a happy, fulfilled marriage is patience. Patience is key to understanding and charity. Husbands and wives practice patienc

Dems to Stupak: More Abortions = Fewer Babies = Lower Gov' t Costs

Democrats explaining their stubbornness to maintain the abortion funding in the Senate health care bill have admitted that a primary motivation for doing so lies in encouraging more abortions, lest more children born put a strain on government funds, said Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) as reported by National Review Online. "If you pass the Stupak amendment, more children will be born, and therefore it will cost us millions more. That’s one of the arguments I’ve been hearing [from Democrat leaders],” Stupak said in a phone interview published Friday. “Money is their hang-up. Is this how we now value life in America? If money is the issue — come on, we can find room in the budget. This is life we’re talking about.” Stupak called the revelations “a pretty sad commentary on the state of the Democratic party." The Michigan Democrat also lamented that "enormous" political pressure from Democrat leaders has likely "peel[ed] off one or two of my twelve" - that is, th

In defence of Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI is a scholar and a statesman. As a gifted academic, he has written many books pointing people towards the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith and towards an encounter with Christ. As a Bishop he has been a guardian of the flock entrusted to his care with diligence, prudence and loving concern. As Pope, he has produced wonderful writings on love, hope and truth, travelled around the world despite his age and health. He has shown countless acts of charity towards thousands of people, carried his ministry out to the greatest degree of professionalism and continues to teach and preach the Gospel. This is why I think he is a remarkable man. Despite the many attempts to blight his ministry, he continues to serve. Viva el papa! From Love Undefiled

How To Go To Confession

Fr. Phillip Neri Powell The following is an excerpt from the article “Advice from Fr. Philip Neri’s Confessional,” by Fr. Philip Neri Powell, O.P., Ph.D. Visit his website here . I Starting point: 1. Sin . When we sin we abuse a gift from God. Just about every sin we commit can be traced back to a disordered use of some grace we have received from God. Abusing God’s gifts is a dangerous practice b/c it is through the charitable use of our divine gifts for others that God perfects His love us. If you are not using your gifts for the benefit of others then God’s love is not being perfected in you. 2. Forgiveness . When we ask for forgiveness we are not asking God to do something He has not already done. All of our sins are forgiven right now. All of them. Then why go to confession? God gives us forgiveness always, constantly, without ceasing. We go to confession to receive His forgiveness. Let’s say I call you up and tell you that I’ve purchased a nice Easter ham for you at Central Mark
SACRAMENTAL = REAL Fr. Rene Butler Catholics are sometimes disturbed by the claim that in receiving the Body of Christ they can be called cannibals. The reasoning goes: Catholics (and Orthodox, by the way) take literally the words of Jesus, “This is my body,” and “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you,” so they must be cannibals when they take Communion. Such reasoning is based on the failure to understand the sacraments. Jesus is present in all the sacraments. This sacramental presence is real, and not merely symbolic; but it is likewise not merely materialistic. For example, when the minister of Baptism pours water and says the words, Jesus is really – not symbolically, not materialistically, but sacramentally – present, cleansing the soul of all sin. The Eucharist is different in that Jesus is present in the bread and wine, whereas we do not say that He is present in the baptismal water. How can this be? Over 900 years ago t