Novena to Saint Jude 2017 | Day 4
October 22, 2017 As we continue to pray to Saint Jude for impossible and hopeless causes, today we pray for all those who are burdened with debt, and those who constantly struggle to make ends meet. May they find relief from their financial burdens. Saint Jude Novena - Day 4 Most holy St. Jude, apostle, martyr and friend of Jesus, pray for me and my intentions. Intercede for me before the throne of God and plead for His favor. (State your intentions here) You are the patron of the impossible. Pray for my intentions St. Jude, that God’s grace and mercy will answer them. Pray for the impossible if it is God’s will. Pray that I may have the grace to accept God’s holy will even if it is difficult. St. Jude, you are known for answering lost causes, pray for my most impossible needs. O St. Jude, pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope and love and in the grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for these intentions, but most of all pray that I may join you in heaven together with ...