Fr. Dodaro on the Synod and the "Kasper Proposal"
EWTN interviewed Father Robert Dodaro, O.S.A., President of the Patristic Institute in Rome, and editor of Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church . Fr. Dodaro was asked about Cardinal Kasper's proposal allowing Catholics who have divorced and remarried to receive Communion. This is his response: The problem is that, of course, they [divorced and remarried Catholics] remain married to their first spouse. That marriage takes place in Christ and so, that bond cannot be broken by any one, not by the Pope, not by the Church. So that’s the problem with a second marriage, the problem is that they’re still really married to the first spouse. Now, what Cardinal Kasper proposed is that the Catholic Church study what the Orthodox Churches do in that situation and that we copy that, or we try to adjust that to the Catholic Church. ... The problem with it for us [the Catholic Church] is that we have a different understanding of marriage then the ...