Plenary Indulgence for the Feast of Corpus Christi
Courtesy of uCatholic : Tantum Ergo is the last two stanzas from the Eucharistic Hymn ( Pange Lingua ) composed by St. Thomas Aquinas and is used at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The response and the prayer at the end is a later addition used at Benediction. A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite it and a plenary indulgence is granted to those who recite it on Holy Thursday or Corpus Christi. Latin Tantum ergo Sacramentum Veneremur cernui: Et antiquum documentum Novo cedat ritui: Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque Laus et iubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio: Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. V. Panem de cælis præstitisti eis (on Corpus Christi, 'Alleluia' is added). R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem (on Corpus Christi, 'Alleluia' is added). Oremus: Deus, qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili, passionis tuæ memoriam reliquisti: tribue, qu...