
Showing posts with the label Sin

Pope Pius XII on Modern Man's Greatest Sin

Perhaps the greatest sin in the world today is that men have begun to lose the sense of sin.  — Venerable Pope Pius XII This quotation is part of Pope Pius XII's radio message to participants at the closing of the National Catechetical Congress of the United States in Boston. Here is the relevant paragraph from that address.  Perhaps the greatest sin in the world today is that men have begun to lose the sense of sin. Smother that, deaden it — it can hardly be wholly cut out from the heart of man — let it not be awakened by any glimpse of the God-man dying on Golgotha's cross to pay the penalty of sin, and what is there to hold back the hordes of God's enemy from over-running the selfishness, the pride, the sensuality and unlawful ambitions of sinful man? Will mere human legislation suffice? Or compacts and treaties? In the Sermon on the Mount the divine Redeemer has illumined the path that leads to the Father's will and eternal life; but from Golgotha's