
Showing posts with the label Miraculous Events

The Miraculous Discovery of Saint Anne's Relics

While touring his kingdom at the close of the 8th century, Charlemagne found himself in the town of Apt in the south of France. He was there for the dedication of the church on Easter Sunday. Charlemagne had his notary record the events of that day in a letter which still exists, addressed to Pope Saint Leo III. The church had been built on the site of an ancient chapel Besides Charlemagne and his party there was a huge crowd of nobleman, clergy and people from surrounding villages. This included a 14-year-old boy, the son of a local nobleman, who had been deaf, blind and mute since birth.  In the middle of the ceremony, the young boy suddenly walked onto the alter and began banging over and over again on an alter step. This commotion caused great embarrassment, especially on so solemn an occasion. Despite being led away and admonished by onlookers, he did this twice more during the Mass. Charlemagne pondered the young boy’s actions. After Mass, he commanded that the step the boy

July 13th: Optional Memorial of Saint Henry the Pius, Including Miraculous Events in His Life

Saint Henry II (972-1024) was the eldest of four children born to Henry the Duke of Bavaria and Gisella, daughter of Conrad, King of Burgundy. St, Henry would become simultaneously the Duke of Bavaria, King of Germany and the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He devoted himself to the spread of Christianity by rebuilding churches and founding monasteries. Henry was brought up under the tutelage of Saint Wolfgang, bishop of Ratisbon. He was later educated at the cathedral school of Hildesheim where he would discern the priesthood. In 995, St. Henry succeeded his father as Duke of Bavaria, and in 1002, upon the death of his cousin, Otho III, he was elected emperor. Until the end of his life he displayed the virtues of a great saint. Together with his wife, Saint Cunegunda, he founded the bishopric of Bamberg and, at his death in 1024, was buried in the cathedral there. His holy wife would be laid by his side fifteen years later. Miraculous Events in the Life of St. Henry St.