
Showing posts with the label Abortion

When Anti-Catholic Bigotry Masquerades as Political Correctness. The Defamation of a Catholic Nominee

Imagine if a Jewish or Islamic nominee with impeccable credentials, beloved by her students and colleges, were questioned by a Republican senator about her "dogma". The left would be apoplectic. Yet this is precisely what happened earlier this week when Democratic senators questioned federal appeals court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. At the very least, they were alarmed by her Catholicism. Senator Dick Durbin, (D-IL), a Catholic who readily demeans the teachings of the Magisterium, asked Barrett: "Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?", as if being so were a cause for concern. Senator Al Franken (D-MN. questioned her appearances before law students at an event sponsored by Alliance Defending Freedom (a group that provides legal counsel to protect First Amendment rights). Franken called the ADF a "hate group"  and likened the appearance to speaking at an event organized by despot Pol Pot . A few minutes later, as the stupidity of the analogy beg

Unborn Lives Matter

We post this because its assertion is unequivocally true. In the words of Saint Teresa of Calcutta: "the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself." We must change hearts and laws so they protect the unborn. Last year, DePaul University, the largest Catholic university in the U.S., banned this poster from being displayed on campus. Like other Catholic institutions of higher learning, Depaul has forsaken its Catholic tradition in favor of secular interests. As Catholics, the dignity of human beings at every stage of life should be our foremost concern; for without "life" all other concerns are non-existent. __________________________________________ Prayer to God the Father of All Life Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, m

Video: Pro-Choice Professor Makes Zero Sense

WARNING :  Illogic Alert!  If you value logical, empirically based argumentation, the dignity of persons as made in the image of God, or just plain human decency, the following video will offend you in multiple ways. Viewer discretion is advised. Philosophy Time is a social media Q & A program aimed at Millennials covering everything from the nature of metaphor to the intricacies of how our society defines beauty. Here Prof. Liz Harman of Princeton University discusses the ethics of abortion with actor and director James Franco and Eliot Michaelson, a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at King’s College London. It is painful to watch. Prof. Harman employs circular reasoning, a logical fallacy in which one begins with what they are trying to end with - i.e., her premises and conclusion appear to be the same or nearly indistinguishable. Moreover, if you were to use the word "slave" instead of "fetus" in the professor's torchered argument, people

Homily for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 25, 2017, Year A

Fr. Charles Irvin Senior Priest Diocese of Lansing ( Click here for today’s readings ) Sparrows are the most common and the most plentiful of all birds. This being so, they are not valued very highly at all. If as a species they were becoming extinct you can safely bet, however, that committees and campaigns would spring up to save them. But what about human life? There are over seven billion human beings alive on this earth today. In this century, more than in any other century in human history, human life is less and less valued. Paradoxically the baby-boomer generation, namely all those born after the end of WWII, is committed to individual rights, to individual expression and personal choice, to the civil rights movement, the women’s movement, and the sexual revolution as no other generation in human history. But what about commitment to the right to life? Perversely and paradoxically, the people of this century are given to abortion and euthanasia as never be

A Brilliant Defense of the Pro-Life Position in the Case of Rape: "The Morality of Abortion Does Not Change"

In an exchange that has gone viral, the conservative commentator Ben Shapiro brilliantly articulates the pro-life argument in cases of rape, and in the process, eviscerates the abortion dogma of pro-abortion advocates. LifeSiteNews reports : "During an April 3 talk at the University of Florida, a female student asked how Shapiro would advise a woman who’s been raped and has no access to abortion." Shapiro replied, "The answer is that [rape] doesn't actually change the calculus, meaning that obviously, what happened to this person is an awful, awful horrible thing. And as I said earlier, the person who raped her should be tracked down, captured, killed or castrated. So that's number one,"  "If you don't think it's a life, then you can do whatever you want with it. If you do think it's a life, then you can't do anything with it." "As far as what she does with the baby, that's up to her. It's obviously go

Powerful Pro-Life Poster: “My Mom is Going to Kill Me”

This pro-life poster illustrates the truth that abortion is the taking of innocent human life. World wide, about 115,00 unborn children are aborted each day. In the above image, an expectant mother thinks to herself, "My mom is going to kill me." Meanwhile, her unborn child, griped by an equal foreboding worries, "My mom is going to kill me." May all expectant mothers have courage to act in love. Almighty God, grant us, we pray that all unborn children will be loved and kept safe until the joyous day of their birth. May the Lord, who rescues the life of the poor and the weak from the power of the wicked, send an angel to guard and protect all unborn children and expectant mothers. We pray to the Lord. Amen.

Saint John Paul II on the Sanctity of Life

The legalization of the termination of pregnancy is none other than the authorization given to an adult, with the approval of an established law, to take the lives of children yet unborn and thus incapable of defending themselves. It is difficult to imagine a more unjust situation, and it is very difficult to speak of obsession in a matter such as this, where we are dealing with a fundamental imperative of every good conscience — the defense of the right to life of an innocent and defenseless human being. — St. John Paul II ____________________________________________________ Prayer to God the Father of all Life Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, made in Your image and likeness. Father, extend Your hand of protection to all those threatened by abortion, and save them from its destructive power. Strengthen all fathers so that they never give in to

Abortion Has Taken More Black American Lives Than Every Other Cause of Death Combined

Via Greater Fitchburg For Life .   Right to Life of Michigan created a special video project for Black History Month in February that exposes the devastating impact of abortion on the black community. The 1-minute video uses statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and the Guttmacher Institute to show how abortions killed more African Americans than all other causes combined. The number is staggering: 19 million abortions since 1973 in the black community, according to the group’s research. Pro-life leader Walter B. Hoye II of the Issues 4Life Foundation found similar results when he compared abortion data to other leading causes of death in the black community from the U.S. Statistical Abstract for 2013 and the National Vital Statistics Report from 2015. According to the statistics: Heart Disease: 72,010 Abortion kills 5.9 times as many Blacks as heart disease. Malignant Neoplasms: 67,953 Abortion kills 6.3 times as many Blacks as cancer. Cerebrovascular D

The A-List Hollywood Actress Who Became Vehemently Pro-Life Following Her Abortion

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once observed, "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." One of the leading actresses of the mid-20th century understood this well. At the age of 18, Jane Russell became pregnant while dating her high school sweetheart. Russell's abortion left her infertile and for the remainder of her life she believed that abortion was wrong under any circumstances, even rape or incest. She described the experience: The only solution was to find a quack and get an abortion. I had a botched abortion and it was terrible. Afterwards my own doctor said, 'What butcher did this to you?'. I had to be taken to hospital. I was so ill I nearly died. I've never known pain like it. Note that Ms. Russell said "The only solution was to... get an abortion." Abortion is never a solution. In fact, abortion causes immense physical and emotional damage beginning with the taking of an innocent life. The actress

Saint Mother Teresa’s Powerful Pro-Life Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast Before Bill & Hillary Clinton

Twenty-three years ago today, St. Teresa of Calcutta delivered a strident speech in defense of life and opposing abortion as a moral depravity. It was without a doubt a remarkable event, played out on live T.V. Lifenews describes the scene : The occasion was the annual National Prayer Breakfast, a huge ecumenical gathering in Washington. As president, Bill Clinton was a high-profile attendee, with Hillary accompanying him. That year, on Feb. 3, 1994, the keynoter was a very special guest, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and saintly figure who had come all the way from the most impoverished area of the planet, the slums of Kolkata. Mother Teresa was barely visible, being partially obscured by the microphones atop the podium. Her message, delivered in a firm voice was unmistakable. She called abortion "the greatest destroyer of love and peace", saying in part: But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct

Networks Give Pro-Abortion "Women’s March" Three Times More Coverage Than The March for Life

In the days leading up to the 2017 March for Life, we noted the vast discrepancy between the fourth estates' coverage of the annual pro-life rally and its obsession with the "Women's March". We wrote: "The march is ignored by the media. Star Parker points out the blatant hypocrisy in her weekly column that is worth your time. Calling out the self-centeredness of the 'me' culture, she writes: 'Bringing children into the world and raising them takes three things that don't work well with the 'me' culture: work, sacrifice and love. I wonder why when hundreds of thousands of women show up in Washington to demonstrate for what one Wall Street Journal columnist called "everything under the progressive sun," the press goes bonkers with coverage. Yet, when similar numbers of pro-lifers reportedly show up for the March for Life, as they have been doing every January since the Roe v. Wade decision in January 1973, and as they wil

March for Life 2017

The 44th annual March for Life is Friday, January 27th, 2017 in Washington D.C. This march is the largest pro-life rally in the world. Please consider attending or supporting this event in any way possible. The march is ignored by the media. Star Parker points out the blatant hypocrisy in her weekly column that is worth your time. Calling out the self-centeredness of the 'me' culture, she writes: "Bringing children into the world and raising them takes three things that don't work well with the 'me' culture: work, sacrifice and love. I wonder why when hundreds of thousands of women show up in Washington to demonstrate for what one Wall Street Journal columnist called "everything under the progressive sun," the press goes bonkers with coverage. Yet, when similar numbers of pro-lifers reportedly show up for the March for Life, as they have been doing every January since the Roe v. Wade decision in January 1973, and as they will do again this

The Bible's Teaching Against Abortion

 Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, the moment of our Savior's conception.  Fr. Frank Pavone Reprinted with permission Via Priests for Life The Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong. This teaching comes across in many ways and for many reasons. Some people point out that the word "abortion" is not in the Bible, and that is true. Nevertheless, the teaching about abortion is there. This is the case with many teachings. The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, but the teaching about the Trinity is there. In any case, a person who wants to deny the teaching about abortion would deny it even if the word were there. Let's look at some of the Biblical reasons why abortion, the deliberate destruction of a child in the womb, is very wrong. 1. The Bible teaches that human life is different from other types of life, because human beings are made in the very image of God.   The accounts of the creation of man and woman in Genesis (Genesis 1:2

Day Of Prayer For The Legal Protection Of Unborn Children | 2017

(Note: Due to January 22nd falling on a Sunday this year, the designated observance for the 2017  Day Of Prayer for the Protection Of the Unborn is Monday, January 23rd.) A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer. — St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae , no. 100 The General Instruction of the Roman Missal designates January 22 as a particular day of prayer and penance, called the "Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children”: “In all the Dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 (or January 23, when January 22 falls on a Sunday) shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 9

January 21, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 8

January 21, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 7

January 20, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 6

January 19, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 5

January 18, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your

Novena of Reparation for Roe vs. Wade and an End to Abortion 2017 | Day 4

January 17, 2017 While legislation and public witness are important to end abortion, our most powerful weapon is prayer. From the Priests for Life website: The Catholic bishops of the United States have designated January 22 as a special day of prayer and penance in reparation for the massive killing that has resulted from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision [handed down January 22, 1973] which permitted abortion throughout a woman's pregnancy. We at Priests for Life invite you to prepare spiritually for that day by joining a Novena that starts on January 14 and concludes on the 22nd . We invite you to say the following prayer each of those days, and to let us know [see end of post] that you have committed to say it. Prayer of Reparation [ Click here for Spanish – En Español ] God and Father of Life, You have created every human person, And have opened the way for each to have eternal life.  We live in the shadow of death. Tens of millions of your