Homily for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 9, 2024, Year B

There is no homily this week from Fr. Irvin. We present this homily from Deacon McDonald Deacon Michael McDonald Diocese of Albany ( Click here for Sunday’s readings ) Today's gospel passage which we just heard appears early in Mark's Gospel. It's right at the beginning, right as Jesus starts his ministry. He hits the ground running. He swings into action. He calls his first disciples. Crowds gather and begin to follow him. He cures people and he drives out evil spirits. And in that very close-knit world of the Mediterranean, where family membership and loyalty were prime – and gave a person identity – Jesus does the unthinkable. He leaves his family and he takes to the road preaching. His life changed so much that his own family thought he went mad. And they wind up saying what we sometimes say about members of our own family when they begin to stray a little bit. "That guy must be nuts." or “What's gotten into her?" Jesus was preaching that Go...