Fourth Anniversary of the Martyrdom of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya

Bishop Anba Angaelos General Bishop of the Coptic Church in the United Kingdom For decades we have witnessed the systematic intimidation, persecution, abduction, and even execution of Christians and minorities in the Middle East, but the horrific murder of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya... had a significant and marked effect on millions around the world; it seemed that even evil had a line it should not cross. The Egyptians and their friend from Ghana who were brutally murdered, were not statesmen, religious leaders, activists or spokesmen; but ordinary men from Egyptian villages working to support their families. Those who took their lives sought not only to victimize and disempower them, but to be triumphalist and instill fear in them and in the hearts and minds of all who witnessed this crime. What resulted however was a vision of honour, dignity and resilience demonstrated by these 21 men as they faced the final moments of their lives, with their heads raised, and their ...