Reflection: Do the Right Thing

The Good Samaritan Theme : Being honest and trustworthy – even when no one is watching. Object : A dollar bill and a bag such as one that a business might use to take deposits to the bank. Scripture : “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 116:10 (NIV) What would you do if you were walking by your friend’s room and you saw a dollar on the floor? Would you pick it up and give it to your friend, or would you look around to make sure no one was watching then slip it into your pocket? What would you do if you were walking down the corridor and found a bag like this one – and when you looked inside, you discovered that it contained a lot of money? Would you tell the nurses and report your find, or would you say, “Wow! This must be my lucky day?” Today I am going to tell you two true stories about people who found a large amount of money a...