
Showing posts from February, 2011

Saint John Paul II: The Universal Call To Holiness

According to John Paul II holiness isn’t simply one option among many; it is the essence of being Catholic. To be Catholic is to be called to holiness. Holiness can be summed up in one word – love. Christ calls his disciples to authentic love – love of God and love of neighbor. Saying this is one thing. Living it is another. We might think that holiness is the stuff of priests and nuns. We might think of living a holier life as something we will do tomorrow or sometime in the future. This is wrong. Sacred Scripture tells us the time to be holy is now! 1.The spiritual journey is entirely dependent on God. It is a gift God gives us. It is a grace. Going to Mass doesn’t make us holy. Neither does saying a million rosaries. God sustains us in life – in everything we do. We are entirely dependent on his mercy. 2. Our effort is necessary. What we can do to place ourselves in the presence of Christ we should do. Daily prayer is essential. Reading the scriptures is another key that unloc...


A friend of mine has taken an interest in Medjugorje. If you are not aware, Medjugorje is the Yugoslavian village where the Blessed Virgin Mary is reported to have first appeared to six young people in June of 1981. By all accounts the Virgin Mary continues to appear daily to the visionaries who are no longer children. My friend attended a talk by a seminarian, now a priest, a few years ago. The seminarian had earlier read a book about Medjugorje and then visited Medjugorje where he was met with conversion. My friend more recently happened upon a book titled Medjugorje The Message published in 1989 by Wayne Weible that has increased his interest. I am skeptical of the Medjugorje events and the Church has yet to recognize or officially approve of the events at Medjugorje. I would be interest to hear whether you have had a personal experience with Medjugorje or have a particular opinion of the events there. If you would write a brief description of your experience including your f...

Intercession For Souls In Purgatory

Ye souls of the faithful! who sleep in the Lord; But as yet are shut out, from your final reward! Oh! would I could lend you, assistance to fly; From your prison below, to your palace on high. O Father of mercies! Thine anger withhold; These works of Thy hand in Thy mercy behold; Too oft from Thy path, they have wandered aside: But Thee, their Creator, they never denied. O tender Redeemer! Their misery see; Deliver those souls that were ransomed by Thee; Behold how they love Thee, despite of their pain: Restore them, restore them to favour again. O Spirit of grace! O Consoler divine! See how for Thy presence they longingly pine; Ah, then, to enliven their sadness, descend; And fill them with peace, and with joy in the end. O Mother of mercy! Dear soother in grief! Lend thou to their torments a balmy relief; And temper the rigour of justice severe; And soften their flames with a pitying tear. All ye who would honour the Saints and their Head, Remember, remembe...

The Power of Prayer and Fasting

By Dominic Meigh Fasting What is fasting? Fasting is doing without food for spiritual purposes, either individually or as a group. In the early Church, regular fasting was seen as normal. Wednesdays and Fridays were designated fast days, in memory of the betrayal and death of the Lord (Didache 8). Many movements in history have recognised the importance of fasting. St Francis, whose influence on the Church is inestimable, fasted. Indeed John Wesley would not ordain any Methodist minister who would not fast on Wednesdays and Fridays until 4:00 p.m. Our Lady at Medjugorje has called us to return to this ancient practice. The testimony of many is that prayer with fasting transforms lives and ministries. Might this be a clue as to why today we seem to lack the power of the early Church? Jesus makes it clear that some spirits are only cast out by prayer and fasting (Matt 17:21). There are some who stand in the breach and pray but few who pray and fast. Why fast? Why do...