
EWTN: How to Find Your Soulmate Without Loosing Your Soul


Funeral For The Unborn


Father Frank Pavone kicks off Summer of Mercy 2.0 on Saturday

GERMANTOWN, MD -- "LeRoy Carhart has been in the business of murdering late-term babies for decades. States and cities have passed laws specifically to keep his particular brand of butchery outside their borders. When he slipped into Maryland, the state with the fewest restrictions on abortion, only pro-lifers noticed," said Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. "That will change this weekend." Father Pavone will deliver the keynote address Saturday at 7 p.m. as the Summer of Mercy 2.0 kicks off. Organized by Operation Rescue, the aim of the nine-day protest outside the abortion mill where Carhart performs late-term abortions, and in various locations nearby, is to make it impossible for his neighbors, and Maryland officials, to ignore what goes on behind those closed doors. Father Pavone pointed out that Carhart conducts his risky late-term abortions in Maryland without having hospital privileges. "This means that if a patient needs e

Chastity Questions and Answers

Robert Colquhoun Why save sex until marriage? Sexual intercourse is so marvellous, beautiful and sacred that it is worth saving this incredible gift for the purpose that it was intended: for babies and bonding within marriage. For those who will be married one day, it’s captivating to know your future spouse is somewhere out there. What would you want that person to be doing? Would you want them to be waiting to give you themselves and their love? To embrace purity and save sex until marriage enhances the ultimate “yes” to sex when married. If it was not possible to say “no,” how valuable would our “yes” be worth? Purity can bring self-respect, shows your respect to others and also brings a clear conscience. It enhances your chances of experiencing romance without regret, avoiding sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies. The decision to wait means not being haunted by past sexual relationships when you are physically intimate with your spouse. The decision to

Dr Janet Smith - Contraception: Why Not - Abortion


Powerful 1 min. video: abortion, the #1 killer of blacks


A Prayer from the Pope

Lord, we thank you because you have opened your Heart for us; because in your Death and Resurrection you have become source of life. Make us living persons, living from your source, and give us the power to be sources ourselves, able to give to this, our time the water of life. We thank you for the grace of the priestly ministry. Lord, bless us and bless all men of this time who are thirsty and in search. Amen.