
Book Review | Learning to Love With the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir

Learning to Love With the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir , (published 2016, by Mercy Press, Wichita, KS, 122 pages) the second book from writer, speaker, psychologist and blogger, Jean Heimann, M. A., is an intimate account of her life’s search for authentic love. Coming of age at a time of social upheaval, widespread religious questioning, and great personal difficulties, she looked everywhere but the Church to find it. Professional success did nothing to quell her heart’s deepest longing for purpose and meaning. For fifteen years she followed the zeitgeist , not the Gospel, distinguishing, but not fulfilling herself. Slowly, through divine serendipity and the Sacred Heart of Christ, she would reaffirm her faith in God and the Church. Along the way, the saints she had venerated in her childhood reemerged to remind her of God’s boundless love. Like her blog, Catholic Fire , her spiritual biography features men and women of heroic virtue who speak to us today. Learning to Love With the

Novena to Saint Maria Goretti | 2016 | Day 9

July 5, 2016 Years after Maria's death, when Alessandro (her attacker) was in prison, Maria appeared to Alessandro in a dream, and forgave him once more. From that day forward, Alessandro experienced a conversion, repented of his sins, and went on to live a holy life, eventually becoming a Franciscan lay brother. Today we pray for the healing of those who have been sexually assaulted as well as for the contrition and conversion of their attackers. Day 9 - The St. Maria Goretti Novena O St. Maria Goretti, patron of victims of rape, please pray for all those who have been sexually assaulted. Please pray for their healing, for comfort, and for peace for them. Please pray that we, as a society, may be able to better protect those who are victimized. Please pray for justice for their attackers, but most of all, for their contrition and conversion. Please pray also for (mention your intentions here). Amen. O God, author of innocence and chastity, who bestowed the g

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal's Response to Flattery & A Miracle Ascribed to Her

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal was known for her selflessness especially toward the poor and downtrodden. As Queen, she also brooked no injustice, provided reparation was within her means. When others attempted to laud her generosity she replied: God made me queen so that I may serve others. Flowers to Gold Coins According to legend, Queen Elizabeth had a dream one night in which God asked her to build a church dedicated to the Holy Spirit. The next morning, she had one of her chaplains celebrate Mass, and while attending the Holy Sacrifice she received further clarification. She ordered a construction crew to be assembled and brought to her. She told them of the plan, and specified the site for the church. The workmen went to the location, and could not believe their eyes: The foundation was already poured, and the sketches for the church were waiting for them. The men went to work and, as usual, the queen paid regular visits. One day, while Elizabeth was supervising the wo

July 5th: Optional Memorial of St. Anthony Zaccaria

Born in 1502 in Cremona, Italy, Anthony became a medical doctor. In 1528 he was ordained a priest and cofounded the Barnabites, the religious congregation so called because it was headquartered in St. Barnabas Monastery in Milan. The Barnabites occupied the monastery in 1538, having been approved in 1533. He was a great admirer of St. Paul and was himself imbued with the teaching of the great Apostle, whom he gave to his followers as a model and a patron. He was a zealous and untiring preacher and completely wore himself out at this work; he died at the age of thirty-six on July 5, 1539. St. Anthony had great devotion to Our Lord crucified. He popularized the forty-hour prayer ceremony, promoted the use of altar sacraments, and introduced the ringing of church bells on Friday. He is depicted in liturgical art in habit. Pope Leo XIII canonized him on the Feast of the Ascension, 1897. The Life of St. Anthony Anthony Mary Zaccaria was born of a noble family at Cremona in Lombardy,

Independence Day | 2016

Man's natural desire for happiness is of "divine origin: God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw man to the One who alone can fulfill it" (CCC 1718). The second sentence of the Declaration of Independence echos that desire: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Novena to Saint Maria Goretti | 2016 | Day 8

July 4, 2016 Maria was a pious child. She couldn't read or write, but she learned her Catechism and received her First Communion just one year before she died. She attended Mass as often as she could. Today we pray that St. Maria will intercede for all children, that their faith may grow and prosper as hers did. Day 8 - The St. Maria Goretti Novena O St. Maria Goretti, patron of youth, please pray for the children in my life and the youth across the world. Please pray that their faith may be as strong as yours was when you were 11 years old. Please pray that I may do what I can to support children in their faith, and to encourage them to love our Lord, to put Him first in their lives, and to follow His commandments Please pray also for (mention your intentions here). Amen. O God, author of innocence and chastity, who bestowed the grace of martyrdom on your handmaid, the Virgin Saint Maria Goretti, in her youth, grant, we pray, through her intercession, that,


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