
Unite Suffering to the Cross - Fr. John Riccardo

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Fun and Informative Catholic Quiz

Essential Catholic Quiz I from Pablo Cuadra .

Our prayers are never wasted, Pope Benedict says

Vatican City, Sep 12, 2012 / 09:24 am ( CNA/EWTN News ).- Pope Benedict XVI used his weekly General Audience to explain that there is no such thing as wasted prayer. “We can be sure that there is no such thing as a superfluous or useless prayer. No prayer is lost,” said the Pope to over 8,000 pilgrims in the Vatican’s Paul VI Audience Hall Sept. 12. “When faced with evil we often have the sensation that we can do nothing, but our prayers are in fact the first and most effective response we can give, they strengthen our daily commitment to goodness. The power of God makes our weakness strong.” Pope Benedict was continuing his weekly exploration of prayer in the story of salvation with a particular focus on the second part of the Book of the Apocalypse, the concluding book of the Bible. Within its passages, he explained, the Christian assembly is called “to undertake a profound interpretation of the history in which it lives” so that it may learn “to discern events with faith” a

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Dear Readers, On the rightsidebar below see our "Blogroll." These websites share our guiding principles and love of the Catholic faith. Our blogroll will be updated periodically. Please visit these sites and others as they are added. Yours in Christ, Dumb Ox

Video: How Will You Answer? Featuring Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden.

On August 28, 2012 the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of a $150,000 television ad campaign across Missouri highlighting President Obama's extreme record on abortion and featuring abortion survivor Melissa Ohden. Missouri has recently been at the center of the conversation on abortion. "In light of the recent national discussion over abortion, it's important Americans know the President's best-kept secret: his extreme record on abortion. Melissa Ohden's powerful story draws a stark contrast to his unbending support of abortion and the abortion industry and reveals the human face to this debate." said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "President Obama's appalling record on abortion is not just limited to his four votes to deny rights to abortion survivors but spans to his recent heartless refusal to support bans on sex-selection and late-term abortions. These actions fly in the face of mainstream American views and r

Homily for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Fr. René J. Butler, M.S. Director, La Salette Shrine Enfield, NH ( Click here for today’s readings )  Jesus says we cannot be his disciples unless we “hate” our father, mother, sister, brother. This is an excellent illustration of how different our culture today is from that of the ancient Middle East. It is hard enough for us to understand the Middle East today. One of my cousins is married to a woman of Lebanese descent. She dislikes funerals the way they are celebrated in our culture. She told me, “When my husband dies, I’ll be wailing and screaming and throwing myself on the coffin.” It’s the only way of grieving that makes sense to her. “What makes sense, what is obvious and natural,” is an important distinctive element of every culture. Now go back 2000 years. No wonder the Bible is so hard for us to understand at times. It reflects a different world, a different time, a different culture. The French have no word that means “home” in the complete sense,

New Poll Finds Most Americans Are Pro-Life

A brand new CNN survey shows a supermajority of Americans want abortions proscribed in all or most circumstances (via LifeNews ): The survey asked: “Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under only certain circumstances, or illegal in all circumstances?” Some 62 percent want abortions illegal in all cases or legal only in certain instances while just 35% want abortions legal for any reason. Breaking down the question further, CNN asked, “Do you think abortion should be legal in most circumstances or only a few circumstances?” Here, 52 percent took a pro-life view saying abortion should be illegal in all (15%) or most circumstances (37%) while just 44 percent took a pro-abortion view saying abortions should be legal in all (35%) or most (9%) circumstances. Looking more closely at when abortions should be legal, CNN asked about if they should be allowed when the woman’s life is endangered. Americans agreed with that on a 88-9 percentage point margin.