
Video from a priest about Pres. Obama’s HHS mandate attack on the 1st Amendment


This is Abby Johnson's letter to abortion clinic workers:

Dear Clinic Worker, You entered the abortion industry because you wanted to help women. You were told that illegal abortion was dangerous. You didn’t want to see that happen to anyone. You came in with the right intentions. Or, maybe you just needed a job. Maybe you really didn’t know what Planned Parenthood was all about. Now you know. Now you see what abortion really is and you may feel uncomfortable…but how do you leave? You may be a single mom, or maybe you are woman who is supporting her whole family during this terrible economy. Maybe this is the first time you have ever had a job that offered insurance…not just for you, but for your children also. How will you support your family? Aren’t you doing the right thing anyway? Maybe you aren’t sure anymore. You see people outside praying. You don’t know what they are doing. Are they praying for you or just the women going in to have abortions? You are told every day that they are dangerous and want to harm you. Do they? You have s

Thought of the Day

"When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society." - John Paul II 

A priest with something to say to Planned Parenthood


Recognize the humanity of the unborn child and the argument for abortion collapses!


Why I love Jesus and love religion


What are the practices of Lent?
