
The Steps to Sainthood

I n Church tradition, a person that is seen as exceptionally holy can be declared a saint by a formal process, called canonization. This particular form of recognition formally allows the person so canonized to be listed in the official Litany of the Saints during Mass. Formal canonization is a lengthy process often taking many years, even centuries. The first step in this process is an investigation of the candidate's life, undertaken by an expert. After this, the report on the candidate is given to the bishop of the area and more studying is done. It is then sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. If they approve it, then the person may be granted the title of "Venerable," further investigations may lead to the candidate's beatification and given title of "Blessed." At a minimum, two important miracles are required to be formally declared a saint. The Church, however, places special weight on those miracles or instances of interce

On The Issue of “Reducing” Abortion

Fr. Frank Pavone We sometimes hear from those on the other side of the pro-life battle that they want to work together with us to “reduce” the need for abortion. It is part of our pro-life mission to reduce the numbers of abortions, and in fact our goal is not just to reduce but to end it. We have to start by making it clear that there is no need for abortion in the first place. No abortion is necessary, neither medically, nor morally. Women get abortions not because of freedom of choice, but because they feel they have no freedom and no choice. Yet when the People of God provide better choices, the way is clear to help both mother and child. Yes, we will reduce abortions, but let’s never imply there is a need for abortion. For pro-life resources visit Priests for Life . Also, see Father Frank's blog .
Saint Longinus Thought of the Day "Truly, this was the Son of God." -- St. Longinus St. Longinus was a Roman soldier at Christ's crucifixion. To learn more go here .

Flashback: Obama, Fatherhood Begins at Conception

If Fatherhood begins at conception... doesn't life ? (The following is excerpted from a speech than candidate Obama gave commemorating the Selma Voting Rights March at Brown Chapel A.M.E Church in Selma, Alabama on March 4, 2007.) I'm fighting to make sure that our schools are adequately funded all across the country. With the inequities of relying on property taxes and people who are born in wealthy districts getting better schools than folks born in poor districts and that's now how it's supposed to be. That's not the American way. but I'll tell you what -- even as I fight on behalf of more education funding, more equity, I have to also say that , if parents don't turn off the television set when the child comes home from school and make sure they sit down and do their homework and go talk to the teachers and find out how they're doing, and if we don't start instilling a sense in our young children that there is nothing to be ashamed about in educa

Saint Longinus - The Soldier who testified to Christ's Divinity

Saint Longinus (pictured) is the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus in the side with a lance. He is the centurion present at the Crucifixion, who testified, "In truth this man was the son of God." Longinus converted to Christianity after the Crucifixion and became a martyr.

Memorial Day - Remembering Our Veterans

To those who have served/are serving this nation in uniform we are in your debt. To everyone who made the ultimate sacrifice or been wounded in preserving our freedom, we offer our heartfelt prayers and gratitude. This Memorial Day, thank a veteran.

Around the Catholic Blogosphere

Week of May 24 - May 30, 2009 EWTN PRIME TIME SCHEDULE (Programing online and on TV.) Sundays: SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE WITH FR. GROESCHEL 7PM , CATHOLIC COMPASS 10PM Mondays: THE JOURNEY HOME 8PM Tuesdays: MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE CLASSICS 8PM , THRESHOLD OF HOPE 10PM Wednesdays: EWTN LIVE 8PM Thursdays: LIFE ON THE ROCK 8PM Fridays: THE WORLD OVER 8PM Saturdays: EWTN GLOBAL SHOWCASE 8PM BIG C CATHOLICS May 26th, Dumb Ox will reflect one last time on the Notre Dame controvesy. May 28th, "Exigesis for Everyone," will begin to discuss the book of Genesis. The Catholic League Updated Daily - commentary and information about anti-Catholicism and religious liberty The Ethics and Public Policy Center Updated Daily - clarifying and reinforcing the bond between the Judeo-Christian moral tradition and the public debate over domestic and foreign policy issues (MORE EVENTS TO BE ADDED SHORTLY... )