
Novena to Saint Maria Goretti 2017 | Day 9

July 5th Years after Maria's death, when her assailant Alessandro was still in prison, she appeared to him in a dream, and forgave him once more. From that day forward, Alessandro experienced a conversion, repented of his sins, and went on to live a holy life, eventually becoming a Franciscan lay brother. St. Maria led him to God. Today we pray for the healing of those who have been sexually assaulted as well as for the contrition and conversion of their offenders. St. Maria Goretti Novena Prayers - Day 9 St. Maria Goretti, patron of the victims of rape and sexual exploitation, pray for all those who have been so offended. Intercede and pray for their healing, that they may experience comfort and peace. We pray that our society may be able to better protect those who are victimized and abused. We pray also that the perpetrators receive justice, but most of all, for their contrition and conversion. Please pray also for (mention your intentions here). Amen. O

Optional Memorial of Saint Anthony Zaccaria

July 5th, is the optional memorial of Saint Anthony Zaccaria. He was born and came of age during a particularly turbulent period in the Church’s history — the time of the Protestant Reformation. By 1500, while it was apparent to many that reforms were indeed needed, saints like Anthony together with others worked within the Church to revitalize, re-energize and rejuvenate the practice of faith. Anthony was born in 1502, While still quite young, his father died, leaving his mother a widow at the age of 18. Devoted to her only child, she saw to his spiritual education, raising him to practice charity toward the poor and the sick. He received a medical doctorate at 22, but a short time later, he felt himself drawn to a religious vocation. Returning home, he realized God was calling him to the healing of souls rather than of bodies, and he immediately gave himself to sacred studies. The future saint was ordained to the priesthood at age 26. Known chiefly for his preaching and his

Optional Memorial of St. Elizabeth of Portugal

July 5th Elizabeth of Portugal was married young: she was only twelve years old when she became the wife of King Denis of Portugal. She was the daughter of King Peter III of Aragon and at her baptism in 1271 received the name of her great-aunt, St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Even at that early age, she had a well-disciplined character and, like her namesake, looked after the poor and pilgrims, with the consent of her husband. She inaugurated what today we would call social works in her kingdom, set up hostels for pilgrims and travelers, provided for the poor, established dowries for poor girls, founded a hospital and a house for penitent women at Torres Novas, and built an orphanage. Her husband was notoriously unfaithful to her, but she bore all this with patience and her sweetness of disposition was her greatest asset. She even looked after his illegitimate children as if they were her own and made provision for their proper education. She had two children of her own, Alfonso a

Novena to Saint Maria Goretti 2017 | Day 8

July 4th Saint Maria was a deeply pious child. She couldn't read or write, but she learned her Catechism and received her First Communion just one year before she died. She attended Mass as often as she could. Today we pray that St. Maria will intercede for all children, that their faith may grow and prosper as hers did. St. Maria Goretti Novena Prayers - Day 8 St. Maria Goretti, patron of youth, please pray for the children in our lives and the youth across the world. that their faith may be as strong as yours when you were but a child. Help them prize their virtue and see their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Pray that we do all we can to support children in their faith, to encourage them to love our Lord, put Him first in their lives, and to follow Him. Please pray also for (mention your intentions here). Amen. O God, author of innocence and chastity, who bestowed the grace of martyrdom on your handmaid, the Virgin Saint Maria Goretti, in her youth, g

July 4th Independence Day | 2017

Man's natural desire for happiness is of "divine origin: God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw man to the One who alone can fulfill it" (CCC 1718). The second sentence of the Declaration of Independence echos that desire: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." __________________________________________ Our Freedom is a Gift from God God of justice and Father of truth, who guides your creation in wisdom and in goodness to fulfillment in Christ your Son, open our hearts to the truth of his Gospel, that your peace may rule in our hearts and your justice guide our lives and the life of our nation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Novena to Saint Maria Goretti 2017 | Day 7

July 3rd When Maria was assaulted, her assailant Alessandro threatened to kill her if she did not submit to him. Maria refused. She would rather die than relinquish her virtue. Alessandro then stabbed her multiple times. Afterward, Maria was taken to the hospital where a team of doctors attempted heroically to save her life. Badly dehydrated due to her loss of blood, she begged for water, but was unable to receive it on account of complication from her wounds. Before surgery, a priest administered Last Rites, telling her that Our Lord also suffered from thirst during his agony on the Cross. He asked Maria if she would offer up her thirst to Jesus for the salvation of sinners. Maria agreed, and didn't ask for water again. St. Maria Goretti Novena Prayers - Day 6 St. Maria Goretti, beautiful model of christian suffering, pray for me. You carried your cross so courageously while you underwent surgery without anesthesia. You thirsted and were not able to be given wat

Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle

July 3rd, is the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. Although he initially doubted Jesus' rising, he has become for the Church one of the most compelling witnesses to the Resurrection of Christ. Thomas' skepticism mirrors that of many. May his profession of faith upon touching Our Savior's wounds, "My Lord and my God!", testify to others that Christ's Incarnation, and victory over sin and death are empirically and existentially real. Jesus' reply to Thomas, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me?" Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed," is not a criticism, but a confirmation of the demands of faith. Among the Apostles, Thomas does not stand out. His knowledge of Jewish scripture and well-formed conscience enabled him to recognize Christ as the Messiah foretold by the Prophets and to follow him as soon as he was called. When Christ traveled the road to Jerusalem to offer himself as a sacrifice for many, Thomas