
Parallels Between Abortion & Slavery

Slavery in centuries past and abortions in this century were defended and promoted by the same arguments. Consider the case in the USA: In 1857, in the Dred Scott case, the US Supreme Court decided, by a 7 to 2 majority, that according to the US Constitution, black people were not legal persons. They were the property of the owner. He could buy, or sell, or even kill them. Abolitionists had objected. The ruling was outrageous, they said. It was immoral and discriminated against an entire class of living persons solely on the basis of skin color. But those who supported slavery argued that if those who had a moral objection to slavery, didn't have to own slaves. No one was forcing them to own slaves. But they also said: "Don't force your morality on the slave owner. He has the right to choose to own slaves if he wishes." In a very similar decision just over one hundred years later, in 1973, in the Roe vs Wade Decision, the US Supreme Court decided tha

Jesus Christ is the Perfect Self-Knowledge of the Father

God’s perfection is to exist. This doesn’t sound very impressive until we consider the opposite of existence. Something that exists is more perfect than the mere conceptualization of that thing. Before Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa he envisioned it in his mind. What resulted from his creative powers and artistry continues to fascinate, inspiring legions of impersonators, and bring joy to beholders. Had he not painted it his masterpiece would have disappeared along with his imagination. The Mona Lisa hanging in the Louvre is superior in every way to the unrealized concept. As the perfection of all that is, God the Father’s knowledge of Himself is perfect. The perfect self-knowledge of the Father exists. It is God the Son. Since Jesus is the perfect self-knowledge of the Father, the Person of Christ has always existed. God the Father and God the Son have no beginning and no end, a truth acknowledged in the Nicene Creed: We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the o

Top Ten Reasons to be Catholic

This is my top ten reasons to be Catholic list. There are of course many more reasons which you are free to add in the comments section. 1. the Eucharist 2. the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 3  the other sacraments - Baptism, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders,   Annointing of the Sick 4. the Communion of Saints 5. the Pope 6. the Magisterium 7. the Blessed Virgin Mary 8. Purgatory 9. Guardian Angels 10. Divine Mercy, the rosary, and other sacramentals

Thought of the Day

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;" (Isaiah 5:20)

Amarillo Diocese Affirms Fr. Pavone’s Good Standing and Character

In case you were wondering, here's the latest on the Fr. Pavone situation including a letter from the Vicar of clergy from the diocese of Amarillo.

Why Abortion is Still Murder Even in Cases of Incest and Rape

Interesting take on abortion. I submit it for your consideration. H/T Discover Happiness

Thought of the Day

Christianity is a religion of the Word, not of a book. The Word is a Person - Jesus Christ. He is God’s "final word" on everything.