
Questions to help me live the theology of the body in everyday life; An examination of conscience:

Do I objectify members of the opposite sex in my thoughts words and actions? Am I convinced that every person is made in the image and likeness of God? Do I foster and nourish this conviction by reflecting often on the dignity of the people around me? Do I ever allow myself the thought that someone else's body/personhood is inferior to my own? Do I sometimes think that I have "more important" things to do than safeguard the dignity of others? Do I believe I am responsible for my dress, modesty, thoughts, words and actions and ultimately accountable to God for what I do? Do I have the courage to remind myself of this by dressing and acting in ways that dignify my body and the bodies of others? Do I pray daily and explicitly for an end to abortion? Do I see the link between abortion and other assaults on human life and dignity? Do I acknowledge that progress in any arena for the defense of life facilitates progress in all the other arenas? Do I have faith that God is the

Pro-Life Equals Pro-Woman

In order to save the unborn child you must also save the mother. This can only be done by showing a woman unconditional love.

Blessed Mother Teresa Novena

Mother Teresa was called from this world on September 5, 1997. As we approach the anniversary of her death, we invite you to say this special prayer each day. We would also like to hear from you about how Mother Teresa impacted your life with her example and teaching. Please share with us why you are grateful to God for Mother Teresa, and what you learned from her. If you had an opportunity to meet her or be in her presence, we also invite you to share what that was like. Father of Life, You always defend the poor and oppressed. In Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, You raised up a voice for the voiceless And a friend to the poorest of the poor, the unborn child. She brought women away from the despair of abortion clinics To the hope of a loving community That cared for her and her child. She spoke the truth to men and women of power, Asking them how we could tell people not to kill one another While allowing a mother to kill her own child. Father, as we honor this humble and faithful wo
Thought of the Day If He who was without sin prayed, how much more ought sinners to pray? -- St. Cyprian

Are the Unborn Human?

Abortion is Not Health Care

Fr. Frank Pavone Pro-abortion politicians will often say to us, “Legislators should not be practicing medicine.” Our response? We’re not asking you to practice medicine, but to prevent the abuse of medicine. Medicine is for the purpose of preserving life; abortion takes life. Surgery helps the body do what it is supposed to do; abortion stops the body from doing what it is supposed to do. There is no disease that abortion cures. Legislators are not called to practice medicine. But laws do prohibit doctors from carrying out procedures without the patient’s consent, from using certain types of medications, and from all kinds of malpractice. The practice of medicine is regulated by all kinds of laws that protect the lives of patients. All we ask is that the unborn be included in that protection.

The Story of St Therese of Lisieux