
Reflection for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, November 26, 2017, Year A

Msgr. Bernard Bourgeois Exodus 34:11-12, 15-17; Psalm 23; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28;  Matthew 25:31-46 "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brethren of mine, you did for me. "   (Mt 25:40) This feast of Christ the King is a paradox. Here is the King of kings who associates with tax collectors, the sick, and the outcast. Here is the Lord of lords whose primary mission was to conquer all sin, suffering, and death. Here is the monarch who died the death of a common criminal. And here is the king who taught his subjects—you and me—to be sure we are taking care of the poor, homeless, hungry, thirsty, naked, and estranged. Why should we share our resources with anyone in these groups? Because this King lives in them. Instead of inhabiting a castle filled with riches, this King chooses to live in the hearts and souls of the poor, oppressed, and those who cry out in suffering. God does things differently than humans do. The Gospel for this w

Christ the King Novena 2017 | Day 3

November 19, 2017 "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand." Both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ declared the arrival of God’s kingdom (Matthew 3:2; 4:17; Mark 1:15). It is our calling as Christians to make the kingdom of Christ a reality here on earth. Today, we pray for the grace to carry out this mission in imitation of Our Lord. Christ the King Novena Prayer - Day 3 Christ, our Savior and our King, renew in me allegiance to Your Kingship. I pray for the grace to fervently bring about Your Kingdom in my family and community. O Prince of Peace, may Your reign be complete in my life and in the life of the world. Christ, my King, please answer these petitions if they be in accordance with Your Holy Will… [Mention your intentions here] As I reflect on Your second, glorious coming and the judgment of all mankind, I beg You to show me mercy and give me the grace to become a great saint. I pray that not only will I spend eternity with You but that Yo

Homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 19, 2017, Year A

Fr. Charles Irvin Diocese of Lansing ( Click here for Sunday’s readings ) The gospel accounts of last weekend, this weekend and next weekend are all taken from the 24th and 25th chapters of St. Matthew. The teachings presented in them by Christ are his last ones before he was to enter into Jerusalem and there be put to death. They are his final testament to his disciples, intended to guide them and us in the “already but not yet” time, that time between his presence here on earth and his Second Coming at the end of the world. These final teachings are therefore of great importance. And, when you plumb them to their depths, they are challenging – even menacing. Last week’s parable told us about the five wise and the five foolish virgins. The foolish ones did not look ahead and make provision for the coming of the bridegroom. They were guilty of the sin of presumption – presuming that in their lack of oil for their lamps the wise ones would provide for them. Their even great

The Last Words of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was a 19th century educator and missionary. Born in Grenoble, France, she would join the Society of the Sacred Heart and travel to America where together with her Order, she ministered to the native population. At a mission school in Saint Charles, Missouri, she spent her final hours. On the verge of her holy death, St. Rose looked toward heaven and joyously proclaimed: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart, my soul, and my life – oh, yes, my life, generously. — St. Rose Philippine Duchesne ______________________________________ Prayer for St. Rose Philippine Duchesne's Intercession Almighty God, who filled the heart of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne with charity and missionary zeal, and gave her the desire to make you known among all your people, grant us to follow her way and by her intercession, fill us with that same love and zeal to extend your Kingdom to the ends of the earth. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. who reigns

Christ the King Novena 2017 | Day 2

November 18, 2017 The feast of Christ the King was created by Pope Pius XI in order to help the faithful remember that allegiance to Jesus Christ is above any other allegiance whether to the government, a cause or an ideology. Today, let us pray that we may always be loyal to, and a devoted disciple of, Our Lord, the King of kings. Christ the King Novena Prayer - Day 2 Christ, our Savior and our King, renew in me allegiance to Your Kingship. I pray for the grace to obey You before any civic authority. O Prince of Peace, may Your reign be complete in my life and in the life of the world. Christ, my King, please answer these petitions if they be in accordance with Your Holy Will… [Mention your intentions here] As I reflect on Your second, glorious coming and the judgment of all mankind, I beg You to show me mercy and give me the grace to become a great saint. I pray that not only will I spend eternity with You but that You may use me – a sinner – to bring others int

Dedication of the Churches of Saints Peter and Paul

On November 18th, the Church celebrates the dedication of the two great Roman basilicas of St. Peter at the Vatican and of St. Paul-outside-the-Walls. The basilica of St. Peter stands on the site of the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles, where stood Nero's circus. It was here that St. Peter was executed. St. Paul-outside-the-Walls, at the other end of the city, is built near where St. Paul was martyred. ____________________________________ Today's feast is a spiritual journey to two holy tombs, that of St. Peter and that of St. Paul in Rome. These two basilicas, marking the place of each apostle's holy martyrdom, are the common heritage and glory of Christendom; it is, therefore, easily seen why the whole universal Church solemnly observes their dedication. Abbot Herwegen makes the following observations on St. Peter's in Rome. The Eternal City has two principal churches, St. John Lateran and St. Peter's. Since ancient times the Lateran basilica, the mothe

Optional Memorial of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Feast Day - November 18th  St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was born August 29, 1769, in Grenoble, France. She was the daughter of Pierre Francois Duchesne, a successful lawyer and a leader of the French Revolution and Rose Perier, an intelligent, practical, Christian woman. When Rose was twelve, she was sent to boarding school at Ste. Marie d’en Haut. Here she was educated by the Visitation nuns and drawn to their life of contemplation. She entered their congregation at the age of eighteen, but shortly thereafter, the Revolution in France forced the Nuns to disperse. Rose nursed prisoners, found shelter for orphans, and helped give food to the poor. In December 1804, she joined the Society of the Sacred Heart upon meeting Madeline Sophie Barat, the foundress of this Society. Often, during the next eleven years, Rose discussed with Mother Barat her long held dream of becoming a missionary to the American Indians in the New World. The Dream was ignited when Bishop Du Bourg visited t