
Fr. Barron comments on Abortion: Shocking Numbers out of New York


Rallies for religious freedom to take place across nation on Friday

Rallies for religious freedom are scheduled to take place March 23 at noon at over 100 cities around the country. The rallies, coordinated by Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League and Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, have gained the endorsement of dozens of pro-life organizations. “The Obama administration’s attempt to force all Americans to buy coverage for sterilization and contraceptives, including drugs that induce abortion, is a radical incursion into freedom of conscience,” Stand Up for Religious Freedom states on its web site. “The Rally for Religious Freedom--popularly known as the ‘Stand Up Rally’--will launch an ongoing, grassroots effort to stand in solidarity with the American Catholic bishops and other religious leaders denouncing the HHS Mandate, educate the general public about what’s truly at stake in this controversy, and demand that Congress reverse this assault on our cherished freedoms--or effect that reversal through the democratic proce

Additional commentary from Fr. Barron on the HHS mandate


Dear President Obama...

Under the new HHS mandate, Catholic schools, hospitals & churches will be forced to participate in practices that are contrary to Catholic Church teaching. We must stand up and demand that our religious liberty is respected. For more visit:

F.Y.I. Ave Maria Radio

There is an excellent station streaming online at  for faithful Catholics and seeking Christians. I highly recommend this apos- tolate and the programming it offers.

A blessed Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, to all.

Today's Collect: Grant, we pray, almighty God, that by Saint Joseph's intercession you Church may constantly watch over the unfolding of the mysteries of salvation, whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care. And in this day and age when the free exercise of our faith is under attack in our land, the intercessions of good St. Joseph, protector of Mary and Jesus, patron of the Church, is especially needed.

“Stand Up for Religious Freedom—Stop the HHS Mandate!”

The Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom is being held Friday, March 23 at noon , local time, outside federal buildings, Congressional offices and historic sites across the country . The theme for the Rally is “Stand Up for Religious Freedom—Stop the HHS Mandate!”   Click here for rally locations